October 17, 2017

*** This hand was suggested by ras2829
8*-15  ?
Total votes: 172
2052 votes

Joined: March 2016

Tuesday 3:09 AM
I am off early this morning. Decided to keep 6-9 in my crib and hold 2-T-J-Q today. Awaiting your rationale Ras.
6356 votes

Joined: April 2008

Tuesday 3:16 AM
Yes that 6-9 is sually good for a six point crib a lot of times. Once again its about the starter card. I am pretty good with peging with face ards in my hand. Play off with the two if possible. dec
BigFoot Bob
624 votes

Joined: April 2016

Tuesday 3:26 AM
I went with the five points in my hand and maybe cut a double run.
3921 votes

Joined: June 2013

Tuesday 4:24 AM
I'd choose Q-2 from these.
5728 votes

Joined: March 2008

Tuesday 5:29 AM
2 ways to go, either toss 2-Q or 69. Looks like I missed today. Since I missed the cut, I gotta peg.
299 votes

Joined: March 2016

Tuesday 5:46 AM
still early but not making up any ground yet. Offense.
2585 votes

Joined: March 2009

Tuesday 5:50 AM
I will favor 69 here. As Dan #1 points out very often 6 points.
4099 votes

Joined: April 2011

Tuesday 5:53 AM
That’s the way I’ve thrown this for years. I’ll read on to see if I can learn from this panel of experts.
170 votes

Joined: August 2008

Tuesday 8:11 AM
I haven't commented on here in years, but I'm so far afield today that hopefully I can learn something.

We are dealing at -9 with the pone at +8, so should tend to favor defense. That would indicate keeping 2-9 together for a pegging 11, but that is clunky with the rest of the hand. The highest base keep is 6-9-T-J at only 5 to start.

Therefore since there's no really amazing option here, favored pitching J-Q to crib hoping to pick up a 10 or K. Retains the pegging 11 with touching cards in both hand and crib. Hoping to learn from the experts why this was a bad choice.
BigFoot Bob says: Welcome to CHOD
Guest says: You certainly gave it a lot of thought, but at then end of the day you have 2 points for sure and some upside potential, when you could have had 4 or 5 points for sure. It's too early in the game to be thinking that defensively. Dwight
1485 votes

Joined: July 2016

Tuesday 9:14 AM
Similar to yesterday's puzzle. All three of the popular options have expected averages that are very close. I choose offense, as I was obviously game's starting non-dealer. The 9-10-J-Q will peg better for me on offense. If I *was* to choose defense I would keep 6-9-10-J(2-Q).
Inushtuk1 says: By similar to yesterday's puzzle, I meant that some of these 4 card runs don't always get the respect they deserve. Everyone loves 3-4-5-6, 4-5-6-7, and 6-7-8-9 obviously, but the others, without any (15-2)'s, sometimes get overlooked. We miss their pegging potential.
Guest says: All these cards have little or no pegging value. I don’t understand.
Aicirt says: I threw the 2Q today, but I think you are right. This is barely less than throwing 2Q if we disregard pegging value. As a fairly new player I need to improve my evaluation of a hand's pegging potential, but I can see that this will probably peg more points on average than 69TJ as the dealer.
Inushtuk1 says: Hi Guest. Certainly this high 4 card run is not nearly as good for offensive pegging as A-2-3-4, or 2-3-4-5. But I can only assume that this 4 card run gives me a little more ability to trap a stray 8 than 10-J-Q. And if I keep 9-10-J it will be a bit more difficult to trap a K than if I keep 9-10-J-Q. But I am anxious to hear other people's opinions as well.
4143 votes

Joined: October 2008

Tuesday 11:04 AM
While Toss (6 9) is clearly worth more than Toss (2 6) in our Crib, this puzzle demands that we ask "How Much More?"

Due to the W I D E nature of Toss (6 9), it lacks value on BOTH sides of the board. In fact, if we can get the Deuce into our Crib today via Toss (2 6), it will only average about one point less than Toss (6 9) at most.

And the extra point we get with Keep (9 T J Q) will then more than 'make up' for the loss of those two points we lack from Toss (6 9).

Now ... add to this calculation the EXTRA POTENTIAL we have because we're holding a longer RUN, and we see that we only stand to GAIN by throwing Toss (2 6) today.
5592 votes

Joined: October 2007

Tuesday 11:11 AM
It looks like its either 5pts, 3+2pts or perhaps 4pts:

6-9-10-J: 5pts + 3½pts (Schell: 3.58) = 8½pts

2-10-J-Q: 3pts + 5¼pts (Schell: 5.13) = 8¼pts

9-10-J-Q: 4pts + 4pts (Schell: 3.93) = 8pts


6-9-10-J: Improves with 5555, 666, 8888, 999, 101010, JJJ, QQQ = 23 cuts = 23/46 = 50.0% up to 10/12pts with 999, 101010, JJJ = 9 cuts. Plus 10 hearts for an extra 1pt for his nob = 10/46 = 0.22pt.

2-10-J-Q: Improves with 222, 3333, 5555, 999 + 13xXs = 27 cuts = 27/46 = 58.7% up to 8/9pts with 3333, 5555, 101010, JJJ, QQQ = 17 cuts. Plus 10 hearts for an extra 1pt for his nob = 10/46 = 0.22pt.

9-10-J-Q: Improves with 5555, 666, 8888, 999 + 13xXs = 27 cuts = 27/46 = 58.7% up to 10pts with 5555, 999, 101010, JJJ, QQQ = 16 cuts. Plus 10 hearts for an extra 1pt for his nob = 10/46 = 0.22pt.


Not much between them in the pegging. They all have close cards.


Looks as if we were First Pone and still will be playing Offense to catch up position.


2-10-J-Q and 9-10-J-Q have more cuts for improvement and more cuts for a good hand but 6-9-10-J has a better maximum with 999 for 12pts. I like 9-10-J-Q for the 16 cuts for 10pts although it has the lowest starting value and there will be some negative delta with 2-6 as we hold a 9. But I'll throw 2-6.
5315 votes

Joined: February 2008

Tuesday 12:04 PM
At 8*-15 playing an Offense strategy for the pegging the dynamic expected averages and Win/Loss %s are:

Offense___Hand_Pegs_Crib_Total____W8 %____W9 %

Offense_______L8 %____L9 %

9-10-J-Q is best for expected averages by 0.22pt and is also slightly better for Win %s and Loss %s both of which take account of the board position. So I'll select 2-6 to discard.

After the 3 cut I'll play Offense to the lead.
Aicirt says: Congrats on 3000 votes! I'm curious how you are calculating Win% and Loss%. In particular for a single hand, W8% W9% L8% L9% > 120%. I was expecting it to sum to
Aicirt says: It ate part of my comment it seems. The sum of W8, W9, L8, L9 is more than 100. I must be misinterpreting the meaning of the numbers.
Aicirt says: It ate part of my comment it seems. The sum of W8, W9, L8, L9 is more than 100. I must be misinterpreting the meaning of the numbers.
1054 votes

Joined: June 2016

Tuesday 12:48 PM
I narrowed the choice down between 2-6, or 2-Q for the discard. I have been taught 9-6 has a higher value in my crib, but every time I go that route, I only end up with the same 2 point I start with. The 3 cut seems to bear that out.

This is a time to play defense but with choices this hand presents, it may not work out that well. At least I have several hands to make up any lost points.
5151 votes

Joined: November 2008

Tuesday 5:43 PM
Well it took me 50 years of playing before I recognized that extending the run in this case, gaining a bit on pegs makes up for the loss of the point if playing 6-9-10-J. Don't know if it works this way on all runs when going from three cards to four cards in sequence. Might not live long enough to figure that out. It's off., off., off., for me and play on the lead as HalscribCLX displays this day. Appreciate the meaningful comments. Note Coeurdelion's fine analysis and insights above.
5151 votes

Joined: November 2008

Tuesday 5:45 PM
Well it took me 50 years of playing before I recognized that extending the run in this case, gaining a bit on pegs makes up for the loss of the point if playing 6-9-10-J. Don't know if it works this way on all runs when going from three cards to four cards in sequence. Might not live long enough to figure that out. It's off., off., off., for me and play on the lead as HalscribCLX displays this day. Appreciate the meaningful comments. Note Coeurdelion's fine analysis and insights above.
Ras2829 says: A Swiss yodeler expects an echo. Doesn't do a thing for me!