March 15, 2007

105-93*  ?
Total votes: 11
Thursday 5:20 AM
This is a good one. Being 16 back, you've little hope of getting out this deal. And dealer's just a touch farther back than he'd like to be. Given my poor chances, I'm going to try and make dealer's even worse. I'll play defense and toss the two best cards I can (6-10), while still keeping 6 pts. Tossing 9-10 is just too risky. Tossing 10-K is always a great defensive toss, but is only about 1/2 a point better than tossing 10-6, so I don't think the 2 pt. sacrifice is worth it. My hold improves on 50% of the cuts and gets you a dozen on better than 10% of them. Hey, look: I just got lucky. Now I'm only 4 away. With some luck, I may actually go out this hand.
Thursday 6:40 AM
Tossing the 9-6 doesn't bother me with a 12-point lead. I'm not so worried about pone's hand, but more about going out on this hand. Keeping the K-K-10-5 gives me 8 of the 16 I need and, look at that, a 5 for the starter. Now I'm out.
Thursday 11:18 AM
A little difficult for me to toss the 9-6, but the points in the hand made it easier.
99 votes

Joined: February 2007

Thursday 2:11 PM
THis is a tough choice. With board position the way it is you want to make it within pegging distance, because your opponent will count 2 hands and a crib before you get to count your next hand, so I kept the 8 pts in the hand hoping for some additional points with a 10 card, with a sacrifice of 2 to the crib, the cut certainly vindicates my decision, but I would make it again anyway.
559 votes

Joined: February 2007

Thursday 5:15 PM
I can't believe all the votes for 9-6. I think it's crazy to toss points at this juncture. It's almost a hail mary, but hey, you guys got it : ) Without a great upcard like that, there was no way you were going out, it was almost certain defeat. This hand definitely goes in the hall of fame.