Today's results so far

*** This hand was suggested by Ras2829
65*-66  ?
Total votes: 291

Joined: March 2016 (2119 votes)

Friday 4:09 AM
I am here to learn and what better way than to chose a hand that has been submitted by Ras. Kept the hand with the best potential. What about the option - 2-3 in the crib.

Joined: March 2008 (6039 votes)

Friday 4:59 AM
thought over the sure 12 with 3339. Loathe 2-9 to my crib. Speculated with the 2333 cluster. I stumbled into a 12. Engage with the pegging, no choice.

Joined: January 2024 (367 votes)

Friday 5:19 AM
One of the few times 2-3 is not best? Tossup between 2-9 and 9-9? Since I am short of my par hole, I will take the guaranteed 12.

Joined: April 2008 (6720 votes)

Friday 5:37 AM
The scores helped determined my choice here. Opponent just needs to cut anything but 5s and 8s especially 5s. They did ok there. dec

Joined: February 2009 (1543 votes)

Friday 6:19 AM
We are short, so going for a cut, which we have many with this hold. Might peg a bunch too if the planets are aligned.
dec says: check later in the week dec
Jazzselke says: You're right Dan!

Joined: October 2008 (4385 votes)

Friday 7:03 AM
(2 3 3 3) yields a dozen or more after 31 cuts (AAAA, 3, 4444, 7777, 99, TTTT, JJJJ, QQQQ, KKKK) or 67% of the time, and will likely peg very well, but (3 3 3 9) is perhaps better at defending the position. Still, we would like to get moving, so Toss (9 9). đźšś

Joined: June 2020 (1628 votes)

Friday 7:14 AM
Today Ras’s puzzle is a lesson as to whether or NOT the point sacrifice rules he developed apply. I hope he posts a short version as to his answer. If anyone is interested in viewing his “axioms” about sacrifice rules open the link to his video class and start with Week 2 Part 6A.

This game is headed somewhere ( warning..averages can vary!) in the vicinity of 117*-118…The obvious alternative keeps sacrifice sure points and only get max cut help from two or three favorable cards for me I keep the sure 12..I wait for Ras to correct my thinking.

Here is the link to his chart that shows the “acceptable” discards (playing as dealer ) when sacrificing 2 or 4 points
Ras2829 says: Hi Eolu619: Had wanted to respond to your inquiry earlier. Just too many irons in the fire to do so. Playing rules whether promulgated by Chambers, Colvert, Barlowe, RAS, etc. were developed to simplify decision making during the course of play. Adhering to them blindly will improve one's game. So adhering ot them blindly, with no regard for the exception will bring major improvement to one's winning percentage. Even so, it is good ultimately to sense what the exceptions might be, why such occur, and how one can further enhance their game with such understanding. As in today's puzzle 3-3-3-9 starts with 12 points and improves with cuts of 3/6/9. Conversely, holding 2-3-3-3 starts with 6 points and grows to 12 or more with cuts of A, 3, 4, 7, 9, and all those X-pointers. So that six has many avenues for growth.
Ras2829 says: Another such hand would be 3-4-4-4-7-7 in this position as dealer. Combined value would favor holding 3-4-4-4 for 8 points instead of 4-4-4-7 for 12 points as only 4/7 add substantial value to hand score whereas 3-4-4-4 is substantially benefitted by 2, 4, 5, 7, or 8.

Joined: June 2013 (4217 votes)

Friday 7:42 AM
Can (6+2) > 12?

Rosemarie's 3-3-9-9 (2-3sp) idea is interesting.

Joined: May 2024 (302 votes)

Friday 7:53 AM
I really didn’t want to keep the 12 points and poison my crib with the 2-9. So I decided to throw the 2-3 to the crib for an average of seven points and keep the eight points in my hand.

Joined: March 2020 (1136 votes)

Friday 8:29 AM
A myriad of cuts help this hold, and only a few help the 3/9's hold. Still have 2 in the crib
Sgt Pegger

Joined: July 2017 (564 votes)

Friday 8:37 AM
How many times does a "pat 12" end-up in your hand?

Joined: March 2009 (2781 votes)

Friday 11:19 AM
I certainly understand the potential of 2333.But I have trouble chasing 12 (or in a few cases more) when I can hold 12.

Joined: November 2014 (3277 votes)

Friday 12:43 PM
Keeping the sure 12 points.

Joined: February 2008 (5581 votes)

Friday 12:44 PM
At 65*-66 playing an Offense strategy for the pegging the dynamic expected averages and Win/Loss %s are:

Offense___Hand__Pegs_Crib_Total____W4 %____W5 %

Offense_______L4 %____L5 %

2-3-3-3 is best for expected averages by 1.18pts. and is best for Win %s. Although 3-3-9-9 is lowest for Loss %s I'll still select the 9-9 to discard.

After the 7 cut I'll play Defense to the lead.

Joined: May 2021 (13 votes)

Friday 1:56 PM
2 options, both good. Looks like I got the lucky cut today.
Eolus619 says: welcome tevdodd❗️keep commenting

Joined: December 2023 (168 votes)

Friday 4:30 PM
A doz is a doz even though I'd rather toss A 9 & 2 in their crib before mine!