Today's results so far

*** This hand was suggested by Inushtuk1
65*-66  ?
Total votes: 44
Inushtuk1I'm choosing Offense and the peggers A-5-6-8(J-Q). Ras and Hal have taught us this one before. My question is, if still on Offense after the cut, what is your reply to an 8 lead?

Joined: October 2008 (4282 votes)

Sunday 3:26 AM
Toss (J Q) actually has a higher Crib Value than Toss (6 8), and it can become as much as Twenty-One Points in our Crib, since the 5 of Clubs is still unaccounted for! We could also try to peg with the two-card Magic Eleven of 5-6 after Toss (A 8), but this would weaken our Crib even further.

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Let's Toss (J Q) in the spirit of sticking with the Puzzle Composer's wish (and because it is indeed the most aggressive idea), and after the Queen of Diamonds Cut, we now have Four Points in our Hand, with prospects for a great Crib.

Interesting, as we can peg points after any Lead Card except a Deuce, Trey, or 4 Card!

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If Pone leads a/an:

Ace, then reply with our Ace for the PAIR;

Deuce, then reply with our 8 Card, as now we can score after Seventeen Responses (AAA, 4444, 555, 666, 7777);

Trey, then reply with our 6 Card, as now only another 6 Card can score, as now we can score after Seventeen Responses (AAA, 4444, 555, 7777, 888). And if the Dealer does score (15=4), we play our Ace, making any "X" Card response by the Dealer push the Count up to Twenty-Six, after which our 5 Card scores (931-2);

4 Card, then reply with our 8 Card. Halscrib likes to reply to a 4 Card Lead with the 6 Card when in "Gobble-Gobble" mode, and if we were desperate for points, who knows: maybe we do give up Five Holes in order to score just Two Holes;

5 Card, then reply with our Ace or 8 Card, or we could be adventurous and PAIR the 5 Card with our 5 Card, I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

6 Card, then reply with our 6 Card for the PAIR, or we could risk the "Big Picture" and reply with our 8 Card, because now if the Dealer plays a 7 Card for (21=3), we can play our 5 Card for (26-4);

7 Card, then reply with our 8 Card for (15-2);

8 Card, then reply with our 8 Card for the PAIR;

9 Card, then reply with our 6 Card for (15-2);

Ten "T" Card, Jack, Queen, or King, then reply with our 5 Card for (15-2).

Joined: February 2009 (1498 votes)

Sunday 4:14 AM
Keeping points in hand today with the touching faces. Could end up with 9 or 10 in hand with the right face card cut. Any middle card cut could produce a decent crib result.

Joined: November 2008 (5349 votes)

Sunday 4:21 AM
If choosing offense, holding A-5-6-8, discarding J-Q has the edge. The slightly larger potential crib with J-Q 4.827 compared to 6-8 4.631 and far superior pegging prospects outweigh potentially larger hands with other discards. At hole 65, Needing to deal from 3rd street CPZ (69-73), will play on the lead and take any pegs offered. JQT outlines the pegging possibilities above. Dealer needs to pick up the slack sooner rather than later. Why not now?

Joined: April 2008 (6583 votes)

Sunday 4:40 AM
Going with Mike here. Although I like the four peggers going to try to fill the points with some for all three facets with opponent helping out. dec

Joined: January 2019 (1075 votes)

Sunday 4:52 AM
On my own with a 5 J throw at the moment!

Joined: June 2013 (4119 votes)

Sunday 5:17 AM
I thought about A-8 or 6-8.

Joined: March 2008 (5936 votes)

Sunday 5:20 AM
Another yuck sandwich. Keeping 5JQ and the 6 is the next logical card in case a 4 is cut. Gotta peg a little.