Yesterday's results

*** This hand was suggested by Ras2829
10-12*  ?
Total votes: 314

Joined: March 2016 (2111 votes)

Tuesday 3:34 AM
I looked at holding this hand, 599K and 357K.Tossing 99 to dealer was not an option as I was holding only 4 points to start. Tossing the safe 9K to dealer, starting with 2 points, has a potential to increase to 4, 5,6,7, or 8 points.

Joined: April 2008 (6711 votes)

Tuesday 4:17 AM
Balking discard, good chance hand count increases and a check lead of the three. Lets have both of us stay on first street. dec

Joined: February 2009 (1593 votes)

Tuesday 4:21 AM
This falls into the don’t overthink it category IMO-keep the 4 points and toss the pedestrian 37

Joined: October 2008 (4376 votes)

Tuesday 5:07 AM
Only Four Cuts (2222) don't help this Hand, and Three Cuts (333) give us Eight Points. Meanwhile, we throw one of the most Defensive Discards in all of Cribbage with Toss (9 K). 🧆 🍷
Ras2829 says: Hi JQT: What more needs to be said?

Joined: March 2008 (6030 votes)

Tuesday 5:10 AM
Hedge. Tossing a brick in the opponent's crib.

Joined: February 2020 (1119 votes)

Tuesday 5:13 AM
Boat anchors to crib. Only a duece cut doesn't help

Joined: December 2023 (159 votes)

Tuesday 5:57 AM
I kept the points but defense appears to have been the best offense today :/

Joined: April 2011 (4379 votes)

Tuesday 6:00 AM

Joined: May 2024 (293 votes)

Tuesday 6:14 AM
This hand will improve often and I like balking the opponent’s crib.
Assman says: Lead the 3

Joined: March 2009 (2775 votes)

Tuesday 6:25 AM
Agree on holding 4 points.

Joined: October 2007 (3295 votes)

Tuesday 6:27 AM
For me the most bang for the buck is an 8 cut, don't like 7'a in dealers' cribs. In this case it might be a 24.

Joined: May 2024 (293 votes)

Tuesday 6:42 AM

Joined: June 2013 (4208 votes)

Tuesday 7:22 AM
I'm in the K9 group.
scottcrib says: 🐕

Joined: June 2020 (1620 votes)

Tuesday 8:10 AM

This puzzle is a good place to highlight the very useful lowest balk discard table Ras has compiled. Both of todays likely discard choices are on it ..K-9 ( 1 of only 2 discards averaging under 4.0) & 3-7. My suggestion is you organize Ras’s table by the 13 card ranks which will show you a layout that can easily be remembered. ( but not in highest to lowest average oder) An example is an Ace combined with a 3-7-8-10-J-Q-K ( a surprise that A-3 & 3-7 are on it isn’t !?) Another example..Only a 5 discard with a K averages over five points in the 12/13 ranks with a K are decent balks..easy to remember! Once you see the layout organized by rank, you can also see what discard to avoid as N/D (if possible) the case of an Ace that would A… 2-4-5-6. Once you layout the ranks this way you will have an “ of course it is” moment ..what to balk or to avoid. Also you can “ flip” its usefulness for playing as dealer since if these are the 46 lowest balk discards they have an even lower crib score when playing as dealer. This serves as a dealer alert to the consequences of tossing them. ( which may still be the best idea based on board position & six dealt cards ) So your organized discard table by rank does double duty. In my opinion, this is one of the two most valuable “tools” in Ras’s box of evidence. The other is his grouping of best discards playing as dealer.

Joined: May 2019 (773 votes)

Tuesday 8:22 AM
With Rob on this one.
Sgt Pegger

Joined: July 2017 (555 votes)

Tuesday 8:47 AM
Got any more room in that boat Rob?

Joined: January 2024 (358 votes)

Tuesday 10:27 AM
We both had a reasonable first hand. We need 8 pegs to reach our next par hole, but we might not reach it with this hand. Dealer is 8 holes short of his par hole and needs our help. So, do we play offense with the potentially dangerous 3-7 connectors to Dealer's crib or do we play defense with the 9-K and potentially not reach our par hole? I would rather play defense and hope the cut helps our hand, but I will not disagree with others who chose the 3-7 pitch.
MarktheShark says: "Dealer is 6 holes short ..." (18 - 12 = 6).
Andy (muesli64)

Joined: August 2009 (2280 votes)

Tuesday 2:34 PM
It's early days. We are ahead. Let's take the routine 4 points. Relatively low risk throw.

Joined: August 2023 (41 votes)

Tuesday 3:36 PM
Keeping 4 and not giving away the crib

Joined: April 2021 (1299 votes)

Tuesday 7:10 PM
The (9 K) is rated overall as the 2nd best balking discard of 91, and in some categories it may even come first. Generally this position warrants offense, but I still like to play catch-up through stifling defense if the opportunity dictates. My 2nd choice would be to ditch the (3 7) rather than the pair of 9's.
MiketheExpert says: After the 7 cut, let's lead the trey and take relatively safe pegs.
MiketheExpert says: Possibly even the (3 K) may take the bronze medal over the pair of 9's.

Joined: November 2008 (5438 votes)

Tuesday 11:40 PM
Looking at the pegs, seeing the six cards dealt at hole 10, it's offense to include the pegging. Don't be reckless though. Scoring a pair for two pegs is not worth risking six for a triple. Often it is the case with n/d hands of 3-4 points, holding two points and discarding 10-K, 9-K, 9-Q 6-K e.g.) will have the better combined value. In this case, the 3-5-7-9 has greater pegging potential than does 5-9-9-K. The smaller crib score of 9-K as compared to 3-7 adds to that margin and is enough to overcome the better hand score in holding 5-9-9-K. The trey is better lead from these four although often if choosing offense would lead the 7. Considered only discards of 9-K and 3-7.

Joined: August 2024 (39 votes)

Wednesday 12:21 AM
Only 4 cuts aren’t helping this hand with a great hand to balk the crib joined with a good pegging hand…. Check.