October 13, 2021

*** This hand was suggested by joekayak
0*-0  ?
Total votes: 210
1434 votes

Joined: February 2009

Wednesday 3:13 AM
I’ll try to cover 2 bases instead of just 1 with those hold-my thinking is that if I cut a 6,7 or 8 I’m still going to be pleased with the improvement to my hand-and any picture or ace or 4 could lead to an 8 to 12 point crib
2052 votes

Joined: March 2016

Wednesday 3:14 AM
Are we back again asking should we toss A-4 in our crib since it adds up to a "5"? Not with today's hand. Holding A678 and tossing 4-Q starting at 7 points and a possible maximum of 16.
3922 votes

Joined: June 2013

Wednesday 3:14 AM
Keep the Ace in my hand for two points there, rather than put it in the crib with the 4 for two points there.
Eolus619 says: hello James..do you have a feel for what a good winning % would be playing against CribbagePro Brutal…?
fourthirty says: Hi James - Does the Ace benefit in pegging in this hand vs the Q?
james500 says: Hi both, hope the weather is better there than here. Bruce, for what it's worth my win % on the brutal level is 54%. Whether that's considered "good" or not I'm not sure. If nothing else, I win more often than lose. By way of comparison, my win % on the regular online mode is 59%, and 57% for the ranked online multiplayer, which would suggest that the brutal mode is tougher than against actual people. Fourthirty, you're right that Aces are better to peg with than Queens, (by which I mean they can be used up to a count of thirty, whereas Queens are useless if the count reaches 22 or higher), but the reason I've kept it in hand is that I remember reading somewhere that it's generally wiser to keep your points in hand where you have control of them, rather than leaving them at the mercy of an unhelpful opponent if placed in the crib.
Eolus619 says: thx James…In the challenge mode level I am competitive ..as for Brutal…well done on the %…a good goal for me to shoot for!
Eolus619 says: re read your post …well done indeed on live play win % also !
fourthirty says: Thanks James.
6357 votes

Joined: April 2008

Wednesday 3:45 AM
I use that what if scenarios a few times even in the pegging on the opponent. What I mean if a certain cut or a opponent lead peg card on best / worst outcomes. dec
SallyAnn3 says: Congrats on BRONZE last night, Dan. Trying to get another monument trophy for a monumental year? LOL. Pete is on a mission this year to get one!
4100 votes

Joined: April 2011

Wednesday 5:17 AM
Sorry Rob, but the Ace goes with the 6-7-8.
Eolus619 says: hello..just trying to learn…I was taught that this hold was best for Pone ..leading an Ace and flipping the advantage if dealer also has mid cards . So not sure why it goes best with this keep as Dealer. Thx
Eolus619 says: maybe the answer is max hand is 16 verse 12 .. not sure
glmccuskey says: RAS will explain it better then me.
Eolus619 says: you were right about Ras!
1341 votes

Joined: June 2020

Wednesday 5:18 AM
Only a trey cut does not help my hand or crib and A-4 worth more in my crib. If I do not keep A-4 together I miss on all T/F cuts except another Q.
1398 votes

Joined: February 2009

Wednesday 5:27 AM
Keeping hand intact today. Keeps those 13, 14, and 16 hands a possibility with the A, 6, 7, or 8 cut. 2 and 9 cuts also better with this hold.
910 votes

Joined: April 2019

Wednesday 5:36 AM
I like starting with 7 pts. A-4 is often lacklustre in my crib. Often lacklustre even in Opp's crib, too.
910 votes

Joined: April 2019

Wednesday 5:37 AM
Tourney 11am PDT TODAY. bracketjd.com to sign up.
5729 votes

Joined: March 2008

Wednesday 6:14 AM
Don't get cute. Keep the point in your hand.
4143 votes

Joined: October 2008

Wednesday 6:28 AM
There are certain Dealer Hands that seem to benefit from having an Ace 'Kicker' and (A 6 7 8) is one of these hands.

Sure, Toss (A 4) will add certain points to our Crib, but it is my experience that it will certainly add even more if we retain that Ace in the Hand!
Fender Bass
373 votes

Joined: July 2021

Wednesday 7:00 AM
Be nice to your crib and your crib will be nice to you.
Fender Bass
373 votes

Joined: July 2021

Wednesday 8:02 AM
BTW, played a game on playok yesterday. My opponent caught 5555 cut J as dealer. I caught 77899 last hand and nicked him at the wire.
908 votes

Joined: March 2020

Wednesday 8:13 AM
One of my favorite holds.
5153 votes

Joined: November 2008

Wednesday 11:16 AM
It took me 12 years to figure this one out. You can get it all in the observations posted this day. Folks tend to think of the A-4 as they do the 2-3. Not a good thing to do. 2-3 ranks 2/91 and A-4 ranks 22/91. When this hand shows up, the 4-X should be automatic. Doesn't matter the choice of strategy (offense, optimal or defense to include the pegging) holding the Ace with 6-7-8 is much superior in hand score. Yes you do get a larger crib with the A-4 discard though giving up nearly 2.5 points in potential hand score to gain two points in crib score. Combined values (-pegs, hand and crib scores), will as today favor the 4-X discard by about 1/3 point more over the 6-7-8-Q hold. Hand potential is slightly better if the four cards remained would be 6-7-8-10 though still not correct. If you've been tossing !-4 from this hand, treat yourself nice and toss 4-X. You'll like the switch given just a little time.
Ras2829 says: Note there are 20 places in ranking between the 2-3 and the A-43. You would always toss 2-3 if present with the remaining four cards. Not so the A-4. Hee you can plainly see the difference: A-4 scores 2 points 12.987% and 2-3 scores 2 points 5.522%; A-4 scores 8-11 23.546% and 2-3 does that 38.129%; A-4 scores 12 or more (seldom more) 3.839% and 2-3 scores 12 or more (often more) 13.185%. Those are terrific differences. Moral to the story? Toss 2-3 every time it shows with this hand and toss 4-X every time this hand shows.
mrob2199 says: Ras I agree that in the long run the A678 probably yields a very slight advantage due to the middle card cuts improving the hand 4 points in comparison to the 678 without the ace -however the other cuts will slightly favor the A4 discard-so overall more cuts will favor the A4 discard,albeit in a smaller way than a middle cut helps A678-philosophically I like to play a small ball approach early in a game-which is basically keep the variants to as low a level as possible ,and look for my advantages in assessing pegging situations to pick up points here and there-in my eyes if I can keep the game to average hands throughout the course of a game my win percentage will rise
Ras2829 says: HI mrob2199: Am always amazed of folks who claim 5-8 or 5-9 are weak discard to own crib, then gleefully toss A-4. Either 5-8 or 5-9 have higher average than does A-4 to own crib. Those choices don't exist here although it provides additional framing for the overall picture.
3017 votes

Joined: November 2014

Wednesday 2:19 PM
I like keeping A or a 2 with 6-7-8