October 26, 2021

*** This hand was suggested by JQT
62-66*  ?
Total votes: 238
3929 votes

Joined: June 2013

Tuesday 3:09 AM
With Q-K, Q-T or T-K I might've tried A347, but not with T-J.
4 lead.
scottcrib says: Agreed.
2589 votes

Joined: March 2009

Tuesday 4:58 AM
Interesting position, pone is a little short but we also need points as well. Like the adjoining face cards with the A4 (which I prefer to not send to the opponent by holding the 4-point flush).
2052 votes

Joined: March 2016

Tuesday 5:11 AM
I did not like the configuration of the flush with today's hand. Expected averages favor tossing 3-7 and retaining A4TJ.
6364 votes

Joined: April 2008

Tuesday 5:17 AM
I would need fifteens or a run to do flush choice today. A two point keep here seems to be on the light side. Defensive elevens and maybe an eleven point hand possibility. My " favorite " (so called safe ) lead. dec
Eolus619 says: thx for your insight on the 15s & runs…input like this from a player of your caliber is very helpful to a player like me
1402 votes

Joined: August 2018

Tuesday 5:29 AM
1642 votes

Joined: August 2019

Tuesday 6:00 AM
Need the points, so keep the most points with the max cut options.
1349 votes

Joined: June 2020

Tuesday 6:16 AM
All is not lost here …62-66*….88*-92…112-118*..we are on the “right” side of the cycle to count first when it means the most. This is gougie00 hand…it is hard to play offense & defense at the same time…but today we face this challenge. Keeping four and risk tossing connectors that have less value than A-4 across the board . Best cut help A, 4,5 and F/Ts.
Eolus619 says: AND..upon further review . From yesterday, Hal’s input on Jazz’s excellent educational puzzle is very valuable to those who follow board position strategies. The relative score is 68*-72. Dealer is short just 2 from CPZ #3 par and only behind by four. What could be the problem? Well ….Hal says of his four choices none gives current dealer better than a 39% chance to win. Another lesson in how critical dealing first in CPZ#3 is to a player winning.
Gougie00 says: When you outpeg your opponent, its usually because you have a crap hand that the opponent guesses wrong with. A-4-10-J is as plain as it gets and you won't fool anybody.
Eolus619 says: always appreciate your insight thx
Eolus619 says: 112 above should be 114..my error
968 votes

Joined: August 2019

Tuesday 6:55 AM
My algorithm has only a .1 point differential between tossing 3-7 to the crib or keeping the flush.

Wow, the five show-card helps those who flushed.

Eolus619 says: it must have to do with pegging potential since Liam B has wider margin https://cliambrown.com/cribbage/?data=AH3S4H7STSJSN&dch
5736 votes

Joined: March 2008

Tuesday 6:59 AM
I was tempted by the flush and would have went that way if the 10J weren't touchies. A mediocre hand with limited peggers. Hold and roll and the double run hand is being dealt next time. Lead the 4? Wondering if leading the Jack is better.
Eolus619 says: thanks for your insight above..always pay attention & appreciate what you post
1128 votes

Joined: April 2021

Tuesday 7:10 AM
Not tempted at all by the flush here because of the discard. (A 4) isn't necessarily super dangerous, but there doesn't seem to be any reason to go this route when I can keep 4 pts which have just as good or better chances from improvement (A 4 T J) and a bit safer toss in (3 7). Keeping only 2 pts (A 4 3 7) is not that good with the (T J) discard, which I think in some way is even more dangerous than (A 4).

After the cut, I have 8 pts by myself in the hand, while dealer is behind position. Thus I will only take safe pegs knowing he has a (3 5 7) combo in the crib which can easily improve. Let's start with the defensive 4 lead, and proceed with caution. Pair a T or J response rather than scoring 15, and let's ditch the A at the first safe opportunity to do so.
MiketheExpert says: If I was to keep only 2 pts in hand, my next choice ahead of the flush may be actually to toss (7 10), which has fair chances as well to improve, and is a safer toss than (3 7).
3023 votes

Joined: November 2014

Tuesday 7:22 AM
Echo chamber. It pays to flush... except when it doesn't.
zeke76 says: Say when the septic system is malfunctioning.
wasa says: LOL!
Fender Bass
373 votes

Joined: July 2021

Tuesday 7:40 AM
1208 votes

Joined: January 2021

Tuesday 8:39 AM
Add 52 (26*2 for the next four hands) and we're looking at 114-118*. I'll lean slightly defensive, but don't want to go full defense today by hitting my hand. I also am not particularly interested in handing over A-4 and its guaranteed 2 points to keep a fairly lackluster flush (is anything ever "lackluster" without being "fairly lackluster"?).

A-4-10-J, nothing super exciting about it, but it gives us 4 points to start. I would lead the 4 since I'd like a 15-2 to get my 10 points this hand if the dealer also has a common hand (and I'd like something if they hit on 5-X-X-X or X-X-X-X with the cut) but otherwise wonder if the A may be the lead.
fentesk says: *"by hitting my hand" should have said "by gutting my hand".
4143 votes

Joined: October 2008

Tuesday 10:12 AM
This position and hand came up in a real game, and I wondered if anyone would dare say, "It Pays to FLUSH" and Toss (A 4).

It's good to see that, at least as of Noon ET, everyone who has posted thus far has decided that, "It Pays to FLUSH the Trey and the 7 Card!"

I debated whether to leave this clunker of a puzzle in the queue, and I even suspected that RAS (or another trusted Site Moderator) might 'do me a solid' and delete it, but alas, here it is.

Can we achieve 100% of these posted votes for Toss (3 7)? We'll see! What made me ultimately decide to "let it stand, and see the light of day" was the random 5 Card Cut, which has interesting ramifications with any of the various discards one might consider.

Even though I frequently tout the issue of considering what I often call "5 Card Cut Insurance," it's not so clear whether Toss (A 4), or Toss (T J), or even Toss (3 7), gives us (or takes from us) any leverage after a 5 Card Cut, and so I still think Toss (3 7) is the way to go here.

And yes, let's lead the 4 Card.
Eolus619 says: JQT a little music to brighten your afternoon. . It is a curtis Sigsrs cover of Tom waits great song San Diego Serenade. It is about what it takes to see things that are in plain sight. Plies to life amd cribbage ..enjoy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXVA0L1CpQg
Eolus619 says: mistakenly hit the reply button before i could correct sigsrs..to Stigers …and plies should be applies …amd should be and..fat fingers galore ..anyhow the song is good!
Ras2829 says: Hi JQT: The prof is Tonawanda bound!
JQT says: Music and Mail, it's like an Early Christmas! Thx a bunch!
5160 votes

Joined: November 2008

Tuesday 10:17 AM
The flush won't fly because of the A-4 discard. If a low scoring discard available (1-K, 9-K, 9-Q, 6-K, etc.), it would pay to flush. Otherwise it's been said, Lead the four and take safe pegs. Was thinking offense to include the pegging when viewing the pegs, when viewing these six cards, and will downshift to optimal strategy once knwoing that have 8 points.
5600 votes

Joined: October 2007

Tuesday 2:46 PM
I think it's between the flush and A-4-10-J (3-7) but perhaps A-3-4-7 (10-J) is worth looking at as well as it will peg well:

3-7-10-J: 4pts - 6pts (Schell: 5.72) = -2pts

A-4-10-J: 4pts - 5pts (Schell: 5.01) = -1pt

A-3-4-7: 2pts - 5¾pts (Schell: 5.63) = -3¾pts


3-7-10-J: Improves with 2222, 333, 5555, 777, 8888, 9999, 101010, JJJ, QQQQ = 32 cuts = 32/46 = 69.6% up to 7/8pts with 2222, 5555, 9999, QQQQ = 16 cuts. Plus 9 spades for 1pt extra for his nob and 1pt extra for the flush = 2x9/46 = 0.39pt.

A-4-10-J: Improves with AAA, 444, 5555, 9999 + 14xXs = 28 cuts = 28/46 = 60.9% up to 8/9/10pts with AAA, 444, 5555, 9999, 101010, JJJ, QQQQ = 24 cuts. Plus 9 spade cuts for 1pt for his nob = 9/46 = 0.20pt.

A-3-4-7: Improves with AAA, 2222, 3333, 444, 5555, 777, 8888 + 14xXs = 39 cuts = 39/46 = 84.8% up to 6/8pts with AAA, 2222, 333, 444, 5555, 777, 8888 = 24 cuts.


Opponent is 4pts short of 3rd street positional hole. We only need 8pts to reach the same while Dealer needs 20pts to reach 86pts to put them in position to reach 4th street positional hole at 96pts. So I think I'll play cautious offense.


A think A-3-4-7 will peg best as it has 3 low cards and a middle card plus a 3-card magic eleven.


A-4-10-J is best for starting value by 1pt over the flush. The flush has more cuts for improvement but A-4-10-J has 24 cuts for 8-10pts while the flush has only 16 cuts for 7/8pts. A-3-4-7 has several more cuts for improvement and 24 cuts for 6/8pts, which is a tremendous on 2pts. However it starts 2¾pts behind A-+4-10-J so even with the better pegging potential I do not think it will catch up this amount. So I'll throw the 3-7.
5323 votes

Joined: February 2008

Tuesday 2:49 PM
At 62-66* playing a Defense strategy for the pegging the dynamic expected averages and Win/Loss %s are:

Defense___Hand__Pegs___Crib____Total____W4 %____W5 %

Defense_______L4 %____L5 %

A-4-10-J is best for expected averages by 0.81pt although the flush is pretty even for Win %s but A4-10-J is appreciably lower for Loss %s. So I'll select 3-7 to discard.

After the 5 cut I'll lead the 4 and play Defense:

Lead_________Dealer's Pegging Pts.