July 8, 2024

*** This hand was suggested by Ras2829
98*-96  ?
Total votes: 285
4057 votes

Joined: June 2013

Monday 3:15 AM
I think the pair of twos has to stay together, as does the 6-9. I'd like to keep the 9-10 together, and it can sometimes be useful to have 9-2 in hand as Dealer. 2-2-6-9-10 is one card too many though.

I'll try it this way. K-A is a fairly common discard, and I wouldn't grumble if Pone had made it here.
Eolus619 says: morning James500…your comment about A-K..here is Ras’s list of best balking discards ..Pone may be inclined to balk at this scor …A-K..#13..there are others that add to A-K too..AND..England needs to have the Man of the Match two more games..good luck against the Dutch https://www.cribbage.org/NewSite/tips/rasmussen7.asp
Eolus619 says: meant others that add points to 2-2
5871 votes

Joined: March 2008

Monday 3:18 AM
I chose poorly today
1476 votes

Joined: February 2009

Monday 4:05 AM
Hate the 10-K toss, but I’m keeping the points and the peggers in my hand.
kal79 says: Nice cut!
SallyAnn3 says: Hey Mike, I agree to disagree with you, but I still think that you are awesome! LOLOLOL
SallyAnn3 says: Oh, that's right! You have a ton of playing statistics to back you up, and a "Good SPort" award, too!
mfetchCT425 says: LOL Sally. That’s one of the great things about this game we love. Many different opinions and ways to hold and play a hand. Looking forward to seeing you and the gang in Raleigh!
SallyAnn3 says: ditto :)
145 votes

Joined: April 2024

Monday 4:10 AM
Not a lot of meat on this hand. Plus, this is becoming make or break time, as pone has the positional advantage right now. I couldn’t convince myself to go any other way than 2-2 to my own crib today. 10-K is simply too weak of a throw and 9-10 would break up what few points we have with this hand.

The benefit of 10-K would be retaining a magic 11, but I think its most important we retain both as many points as we can and as many near cards as we can to try and snag 3 more from a run. Tossing 10-K would’ve made our hand 8, so let’s hope pone threw a 3 to the crib to make up for that.
6515 votes

Joined: April 2008

Monday 4:35 AM
I know the potential values of the three choices here. I see what the positions are on the board. Not going to look up numbers of these, in a live game would not have that much time to go thru that. I will go for an eight point cut and probably be overly aggressive in the pegging. dec
horus92 says: So do I, but I'm tossing 22. Pegging won't make it up, though the bot might think so. Anyway I'm finally "banned". Ras and jqt could never accept my work (collating schempp, annotated games, etc) and since they have no arguments they banned me. Absolute frauds both of them. I only became so abusive after years of being dismissed and to hell with 'em (you too eolus).
SallyAnn3 says: Well horus, at least you finally admit that you have been "so abusive" for "years". However, the greater majority of us who post regularly agree that your disparaging comments have no place on this site. There are civil ways to disagree with someone with ou horrid, direct name calling. RSA and JQT always accepted your opinion, yet you call them "frauds"--it never stops. It's sad, really, and you do have good insights, but refuse to believe that other do as well--ones that have clout with thousands across the nation, an earned repuation as exceptional players and people. You will never have that with the way you have to tear down everyone else. Sad.
SallyAnn3 says: ..to disagree wuth someone who has a different opinion, without dirt name calling.
Inushtuk1 says: If horus93 is "banned"; how did he get back on? Or was this his final hurrah?
JQT says: Mike, I never did directly thank you for your truly kind efforts in engaging with the disruptive character in several games earlier this year, as this was an admirable attempt at inclusion, or at least distraction, but sadly it only served to delay the moment he would finally derail into a series of unwarranted and unprovoked attacks. We can only speculate at the source of his anger and frustration: perhaps an extremely rough childhood, or an abusive parent, or some trauma that he's never been able to fully deal with or overcome. This game of Cribbage is always extremely welcoming to all people of all types, and I cannot remember such a miscreant in this game, although the behavior exhibited is often seen among those who live anonymously on social media. This group should probably require real names and contact information to be held at least by the site administrator, so that if such an event occurs, we can at least contact the authorities in the home town and perhaps the employer of any individual who displays such erratic behavior, as those with truly serious mental issues have often gone on to do much harm to themselves and others. Anyway, I didn't want your sincere efforts to engage this individual in a kind and peaceful manner to go unnoticed, for I feel strongly that it was probably this type of kind, peaceful, benevolent behavior that might have been lacking in this person's past, for it is during that time as a child while growing up that we develop our civility and kindness, traits clearly lacking in this particular individual, someone who truly did exhibit some skill and fondness for the game, but who cannot control his anger. As I have often stated, I think all hatred is self-hatred, and sadly we see its effects growing in many parts of the world, and while Cribbage has been largely immune from such people and such behavior in the past, I guess we shouldn't be surprised that it has touched our shores. ☮
Inushtuk1 says: You're welcome John.
2680 votes

Joined: March 2009

Monday 6:07 AM
Keep the adjoining 910 with the 6, and play the crib with the 2 best cards.
1005 votes

Joined: March 2020

Monday 6:28 AM
DItto the jazzman.
793 votes

Joined: July 2020

Monday 6:33 AM
My greed was rewarded!
Eolus619 says: good morning jmudge..the most important card in cribbage was your friend today❗️👏👏 the other side of this is fyi…K/10 is by far the lowest average discard to own crib. The beauty of cribbage is we all have choices ..all the best
4219 votes

Joined: October 2008

Monday 7:51 AM
Toss (6 9) is considered an "Also-Ran" Dealer Discard in the Star Power rating by RAS, and Toss (2 2) gets One Star, so let's Toss (2 2) today.

After the 4 Card Cut, we still have just Two Points in our Hand, with prospects for an interesting Crib. Let's hope the Crib exceeds Two Points! If Pone decided to Toss (3 4), one of those "Discard Cousins" that begins with Zero that I mentioned yesterday, we could have up to Eighteen Points in the Box!

Toss (T K) into our Own Crib obtains the best Hand, but I believe it also reinforces a bad Dealer Discard habit, since Toss (T K) tends to average less than Three Points!

Wordle 1,115 3/6 (the solution was once my starting word!)

3019 votes

Joined: August 2011

Monday 8:06 AM
Low pair to crib today.
1252 votes

Joined: April 2021

Monday 8:20 AM
Keeping the lowest 4 cards gives me the best pegging opportunities, but I can't stomach it today if it means tossing (10 K) to my crib. I'll let that low pair try and work its magic in the crib, and keep opportunities for a "hopeful" cut within the hand. After the 4 cut, this has me worried with only a 2-pt hand and a crib perhaps anywhere in the range from 2-12 pts. I will take any pegs which become available, and hope that crib is towards the upper end of the point range above.
MiketheExpert says: Could have an *18-pt* crib technically speaking, but this would probably be as a result of a mistake on the other end :)
MiketheExpert says: If it was only between the (6 9) and (10 K), I'd swallow hard with disgust before throwing the (10 K).
Sgt Pegger
404 votes

Joined: July 2017

Monday 8:35 AM
Not excited about this one but I am hopeful for the crib.
942 votes

Joined: April 2021

Monday 9:02 AM
We often discuss how certain groups of card "blind" us from making a different choice. In this case, I think not wanting to put K-10 in our own crib can keep us from seeing other choices. I like keeping the 9 with our 2's and received an award with the 4 cut.
Sgt Pegger says: I guess I have to ask you ......what if the pone dropped a 3,8 into the crib? Sometimes planting seeds in the crib will produce nicely..... Just a thought to consider.
1026 votes

Joined: January 2019

Monday 10:04 AM
I considered 2 2, 6 9 and 10 K for my crib today. I hastily (and foolishly as it turns out) decided against 10 K then against 6 9 because I wanted to keep 9 10. So 2 2 was my choice.
MiketheExpert says: It might not yet be a foolish choice, since we don't know how our crib will turn out :) I'll regret it certainly if it ends up as 2+2.
5711 votes

Joined: October 2007

Monday 1:09 PM
I'll look at 6-9-10-K (2-2), 2-2-10-K (6-9), 2-2-6-9 (10-K) and perhaps 2-2-6-K (9-10):

6-9-10-K: 2pts + 5¾pts (Schell: 5.72) = 7¾pts

2-2-10-K: 2pts + 5¼pts (Schell: 5.13) = 7¼pts

2-2-6-9: 4pts + 3pts (Schell: 2.84) = 7pts

2-2-6-K: 2pts + 4¼pts (Schell: 4.29) = 6¼pts


6-9-10-K: Improves with 5555, 666, 8888, 999, 101010, JJJJ, KKK = 24 cuts = 24/46 = 52.2% up to 5/6pts with 5555, 666, 8888, 999, JJJJ = 18 cuts.

2-2-10-K: Improves with AAAA, 22, 3333, 5555, 101010, KKK = 20/46 = 43.5% up to 6/10pts with AAAA, 22, 3333, 5555 = 14 cuts.

2-2-6-9: Improves with 22, 4444, 5555, 666, 7777, 999 = 20 cuts = 20/46 = 43.5% up to 8pts with 22, 4444, 666, 7777, 999 = 16 cuts.

2-2-6-K: Improves with AAAA, 22, 3333, 5555, 666, 7777, 999, KKK = 27 cuts = 27/46 = 58.7% up to 6pts with 22, 3333, 5555, 7777 = 14 cuts.


We're 2pts past 4th street positional hole and opponent is 15pts short of where they would like to be. I'll play Offense and aim to get as far past 111pts as possible.


I think 2-2-6-9 will peg best with a pair of low cards and two middle cards plus a magic eleven.


6-9-10-K is best for starting value by ½pt over 2-2-10-K
and ¾pt over 2-2-6-9. Although both of these have 4 cuts fewer for improvement 2-2-10-K has 14 cuts for 6/10pts and 2-2-6-9 has 16 cuts for 8pts compared to 18 cuts for 5/6pts with 6-9-10-K. As 2-2-6-9 also will peg best, I think, I'll reluctantly throw the unhelpful 10-K to my crib.
5440 votes

Joined: February 2008

Monday 1:09 PM
At 98*-96 playing an Offense strategy for the pegging the dynamic expected averages and Win/Loss %s are:

Offense___Hand_Pegs_Crib_Total____W1 %___W2 %

Offense_______L1 %___L2 %

6-9-10-K is best for expected averages by 0.33pt. over 2-2-6-9 and is appreciably best for Win %s. Although 2-2-10-K is slightly lowest for loss %s I'll still select 2-2 to discard.

After the 4 cut I'll play Offense to the lead.
128 votes

Joined: May 2024

Monday 8:13 PM
Great positional puzzle. I am surprised to learn that 2-2 does better in the crib than 6-9. Live and learn. At least I already knew 10-K is poison to a crib.