September 6, 2024

*** This hand was suggested by EliteKitten111
101-111*  ?
Total votes: 272
EliteKitten111Is 2-3 worth it?

Joined: October 2008 (4398 votes)

Friday 3:17 AM
As Pone with First Hand Show, we need Twenty Points, or TWICE that of (100% above) Pone Average, to defeat our Opponent, that smiling person who sits across from us, the one who now appears confident at Hole 111 as the Current Dealer.

A close Cribbage Endgame Battle usually has the scores set to be nearly the reverse of what we see here, with something like (111-101*), but today we find ourselves "Behind the 8 Ball" (and seemingly Behind a Plethora of Other Balls!).

Therefore, this is not a typical Endgame Battle, but rather a Special-Case, Desperation Offense Cribbage Endgame Scenario by none other than 🐈 EliteKitten111. I delight in negotiating my way through and solving these Cribbage Conundrums, but we may not wish to go in empty-handed:

We might need to imbibe a few shots of full-strength, Irish Duck Elixir before we try to tackle this one! I'll wait while you put in the order: "Irish Neat, with a Bourbon Back." πŸ€ πŸ¦† πŸ₯ƒ 😝

"Sir, this is a Wendy's. And for Goodness Sake, it's 6 a.m." πŸ•• πŸ” 🍟 πŸ₯¨ πŸ₯“ πŸ₯€

Let's 'Cut to the Chase' and note that Toss (2 3) offers us Eight Cuts (444, 555, 66), or 8/46 equals 0.174, which means we have a 17% chance of obtaining Twenty-One Points or more, and it's likely our best hope. Frankly, Toss (2 3) is our ONLY hope! But it's still quite an interesting puzzle, because of the possible ramifications that may occur during the pegging, which we'll get into shortly. Soon, we'll enjoy a deep dive into the Pegging Pool.

It's vital to note that after Toss (2 3), we also have a whopping Thirty-Five Cuts (333, 444, 555, 66, 7777, 9999, TTTT, JJJJ, QQQQ, KKKK), or 35/46 equals 0.761, which means we have a 76% chance of obtaining Fourteen Points or more, and this additionally means that if we can peg Six Holes (gasp!), we can then probably reach the Finish Line about 76% of the time!

The reason this latter calculation is so important is of a at least a three-fold possible benefit to us, and this is because of what follows:

(1) Not only could a 6 Card Lead get PAIRED, handing us almost certain VICTORY (unless the Dealer holds the "case" 6 Card), but in addition:

(2) If the Dealer responds to our 6 Card Lead with any of the various Sixteen "X" Cards (and these account for nearly 35% of the remaining deck, since we have yet to see any of these; even after an "X" Card Cut, it's a 33% figure), and if the Dealer is holding either of the familiar (5 X X X) or (5 5 X X) Hands, the pegging will almost definitely proceed:

Pegging: 6 (6) X (16) 6 (22) 5 (27) 4 (31-5), and now, assuming we have one of those aforementioned Fourteen-Point Hands, those that we already have shown earlier will manifest 76% of the time, we'll now be holding our Lone 5 Card, while the Dealer must lead either an "X" Card or a 5 Card, and we'll only need to peg an additional One Point in order to go the distance, 'cover the chasm' and WIN with our First Hand Show! However, should neither of those previous two things occur:

(3) During a second volley of pegging, if we are leading from any two card duos (4-5, 4-6, or 5-6) that comprise the ubiquitous 4-5-6 Run, as long as the Dealer is 'stuck' holding the third or "missing" card of such an impending Run, we could actually conclude the pegging with (15-6)! Imagine That!

The combined effects of having a 17% chance to WIN without having to peg anything whatsoever, plus another 76% chance of winning if we can manage to peg Six Holes, should produce a somewhat reasonable aggregate chance of around 25% of actually prevailing and winning from such a Doomsday-Looking Position.

Any time we can conclude the Pegging Phase by leading in a 'Two-Cards against One-Card' volley, specifically while holding ANY PAIR, or while holding either: 4-5, 4-6, or 5-6 duos, we have a small chance to peg Half-a-Dozen Holes! Keep this tactic in mind during ANY Special-Case, Desperation Offense Cribbage Endgame Scenario, especially when holding such powerful and versatile cards.

Ironically, when we looked at (3 4 5 6) yesterday, and I said, "the stellar Four-Card-Run [with a 5 Card] of them all is 3-4-5-6, which has an Expected Average closer to Ten Points!" But today, WE NEED TWICE THAT AMOUNT! No other discard other than Toss (2 3) can in fact produce anything more than Sixteen Points. Therefore, it's overwhelmingly and abundantly clear what we need to do.

πŸ€ πŸ€ πŸ€ πŸ€ πŸ€ πŸ€ πŸ€ πŸ€ πŸ€ πŸ€ πŸ€ πŸ€

Let's Toss (2 3) today without any hesitation or reservations. A quick discard might make the Dealer nervous, and nervous players will frequently make pegging mistakes. When we're trying to WIN from an untenable score like (101-111*), it's important to use any and every strategic, tactical, and/or psychological maneuver we have at our disposal, and making a quick and concise decision in such a dire Relative Position, along with projecting an 'air of confidence,' can often place a tremendous amount of pressure upon our Opponent. And there is no rule against it, and as far as anyone knows, we're far from breaching the bounds of etiquette.

After the King Cut, we now hold Fourteen Points in our Hand, which reliably gets us to Hole 115, so now we need to peg those Six Points in order to WIN. Make sure you study and understand those numbered items: (1), (2), and (3) above, regarding the pegging. It's a reach to be sure, but it's not quite over yet! Also, we must peg all that we can, because there is still a remote chance that the Dealer, even with a Deuce and a Trey (supplied by us) in the Crib, could come up "short" of Hole 121.

We could very well find ourselves as the Next Dealer (with the Pegging Advantage) staring at a scrumptious score of something such as (117*-120), with a nearly 9% chance of a Gnarly Jack Cut occurring; Oh, wouldn't it be lovely to see that smile disappear from our Opponent's face when he or she has to lead while we sit Two Holes Away from ripping his or her heart out?! You know, Real Fun Cribbage Endgame Stuff.

Let's lead a 6 Card from our PAIR, and hope the Dealer is foolish enough, after maybe deciding to Keep (4 5 5 6), to PAIR our lead, and give us this VICTORY! We could also WIN if we can 'snag' a 4-5-6 Run for (15-6) with our Last Card Played, so NEVER GIVE UP!

Wordle 1,175 3/6 (I'm fairly sure we've all seen this before.)

JQT says: I sense too much pessimism below, and I'm saying this after just a few hours of voting has taken place. Sure, we missed the Twenty-One- and Twenty-Four-Point Cut Card Train, but we still have some reason for hope, and by believing we have lost, we could easily miss an opportunity to prevail! After the King Cut, we have Fourteen of the Twenty Points we need to WIN, thus we need to peg Six Holes, and we have at least πŸ€ Four Ways of accomplishing this: (I) Our 6 Card Lead could be PAIRED, or we could score an unusual (15-5) during the initial volley of pegging, especially if the Dealer has a difficult choice, maybe with a Hand that is similar to ours, such as (4 5 5 6) or (4 4 5 6); (II) We could 'jam up' some common Dealer Hands such as (5 X X X) or (5 5 X X), and peg (31-5), followed by obtaining a final PAIR or a (15-2) with our remaining 5 Card; (III) We might get a chance to conclude the pegging with (15-6) if we can lead from a two-card duo such as 4-5, 4-6, or 5-6, as long as the Dealer is 'stuck' holding just one card, the third or "missing" part of a 4-5-6 Run, thus we could actually 'clinch' this game with our Last Card Played; (IV) Finally, the Dealer could end up with fewer than Ten Points Total at the completion of this deal, and then we might peg out as the Next Dealer when we enjoy the Pegging Advantage. All of these chances (and more) still exist, and a negative attitude could cause us to miss a real opportunity. This ability to remain vigilant is something that is really stressed when playing a game such as Chess, but it applies to Cribbage as well. 🌼
Eolus619 says: are old enough to remeber this..This score reminds me of Don Meredith singing ..”Turn out the lights ..the party’s over” at the end of a NFL game when it was clear who would win and LOSE
JQT says: I remember Joe Namath and Johnny Unitas in Super Bowl #3 in 1969, six months before Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin landed on the moon, and then later, the great game the Jets had against the Colts in 1972, when Namath threw for almost 500 yards, and they defeated the Colts, 44-34 (sounds like a Cribbage Score!). Oakland was my favorite team as a kid, and I even had a helmet with their silver and black logo on it. At age twelve, circa 1970, I had a bright orange tee shirt that I carefully and painstakingly drew the numeral 32 on the back with a dark, black marker in order to mimic O.J. Simpson. I saw O.J. play at Rich Stadium in 1971. But even before all of this, I recall the Buffalo Bills prior to when they were added as part of the merger of the AFL and NFL in 1970, as prior to this, Buffalo was an unbeatable, powerhouse team, winning the AFL Title in 1964. My grandfather was able to get us a used-only-once AFL ball with a deep spike-mark gouged in one end of it from being place-kicked by Jack Kemp, who played Quarterback for Buffalo in the years when Glenn Bass was a superb Wide Receiver. We used that almost-round (it was described as a prolate spheroid) football for years in our frequent touch-football skirmishes in the neighborhood, with my Dad often QB-ing for both teams. Monday Night Football began in 1970, fifty-four years ago this very month, and of course I can vividly remember Frank Gifford, Don Meredith, John Madden, and Howard Cosell, especially on the night in 1974 when some miscreant tossed a few firecrackers into the broadcast booth! The first of two years when I played junior varsity football was the 1972 season, and as a fragile but quick 145-pound tailback, I got regularly pummeled, more by my own teammates during scrimmages than by opposing teams! Tragically, my main motive for playing football was merely to stay in good physical condition for swimming and track, the sports I really liked much more than football. After that autumn season, my severe episodic headaches and trigeminal neuralgia began, which was fifty-two years ago this month, and I went from perfect school attendance to missing forty-five days the following year, and enduring subsequent episodic, life-long disabling pain. In spite of the dangers, I do think sports such as football are very good for building strength, confidence, and fostering character development, although if I could go back, I might just join the Air Force or the Navy instead! πŸ‰ πŸ₯€ REF: Joe Namath: Jack Kemp:

Joined: April 2008 (6736 votes)

Friday 3:28 AM
Is 21 or 24 worth it? Is a 6-5-4 peg opportunity worth it after the cut? Are Chances after they will have only eight points after this hand plays out. Wish a couple of hands would have played out different earlier. All I got and all I can see we can attempt here. Cut better. dec

Joined: August 2018 (1531 votes)

Friday 3:42 AM
Chips to the center. Dealer is going out, so not that worried what i toss. All offense.

Joined: August 2019 (1062 votes)

Friday 4:00 AM
This game was over before we saw the show card.

Joined: November 2014 (3290 votes)

Friday 4:27 AM
Have to go for 24 in this position.

I need to practice my cutting!

Joined: June 2013 (4229 votes)

Friday 4:56 AM
Echo. 6 lead.

Joined: April 2011 (4399 votes)

Friday 4:59 AM

Joined: March 2008 (6052 votes)

Friday 5:06 AM
I'll jump on the midnight train as well. Have to shoot for a 4-5-6. Sometimes there is no magic left in the wand. Chalk up an L.

Joined: December 2008 (4801 votes)

Friday 5:34 AM
Oh dude. Why did you do it. We here all live to see a 100% hand. Surely you could have snuck in at a minute to midnight before you shattered our dreams
Sgt Pegger

Joined: July 2017 (577 votes)

Friday 6:39 AM
Tuff spot....tuff toss... time to close my eyes & jump. I will likely lead the 4 but have been known to lead the 6.

Joined: May 2024 (317 votes)

Friday 6:56 AM
Damn the torpedoes!! I will lead with a 6.

Joined: February 2022 (302 votes)

Friday 7:13 AM
96% chose to keep the 4-5-6 double run, as did I. The cut give me 14 - pegging 6 as pone is near impossible, unless 1) I am playing with a very inexperienced opponent or 2) opponent has a somewhat similiar hand and is forced to play into me for a run. [I played yesterday, IRL, and my worthy opponent ended up in the stink hole twice and losing the games because he could not peg one. Oh my, was he pissed!] At any rate, I don't see pegging 6 here, so it's a loss for me...
fentesk says: On the plus side, this hand is almost tailor made to exploit the fairly common X-X-X-X and X-X-X-5 and get those pegs. Lead the 6 and cash in! 6-X-6-(go)-5-4 (31 for 5). X-5 (15 for 2) and we'll be across the finish line.
wasa says: Hi Fentesk. I'm confused. Do we have 5 cards in our hand? Where did the extra 5 come from for the 15-2? The 6-X-6 (go) 5-4 gives us 5 points, but we are now out of cards...
fentesk says: Sorry, I mixed the two hands. The pegging I wrote out was for the X-X-X-5 where they're forced to play the 5 after we get to 22 (the "go" is wrong there. Good catch.

Joined: March 2009 (1591 votes)

Friday 7:38 AM
The daily cribbage hand gets emailed to me at 9AM Eastern DT. By the time I am on the site there are numerous posts. How do I get to have the Daily cribbage hand email me earlier??
Eolus619 says: when you wake up…just go to the internet and put in ..pretty sure access to the hand of the day occurs after midnight
SallyAnn3 says: Paul, I've never gotten an mail. Just go straight to the website. I've posted from Europe many times, and I've had to wait until 11 am our time, so it must post at 5 am EST
SallyAnn3 says: Sorry...meant 11 am when I am over there--6 hours ahead.
fentesk says: Wow, I've never noticed the "subscribe" link before and had no idea you could get the hand emailed to you. I also go directly to the page daily.

Joined: March 2020 (1149 votes)

Friday 7:55 AM
Can't care about their crib--they're going out if we don't make it.

Joined: September 2016 (915 votes)

Friday 8:07 AM
I’ll toss 2-3 and need a big cut to win this one.
Cribsurfer says: Played the hand on cribbage pro and led the 6. I somehow pegged 7 and won the game.

Joined: January 2024 (381 votes)

Friday 9:20 AM
Cannot be defensive in this position. Keep max points and learn to lead the standard 6 for possible 5 traps, as JQT shows above, which happens often.
Eolus619 says: well said Mark..not doing so would be one of Colvert’s turkey plays

Joined: October 2007 (5766 votes)

Friday 10:37 AM
I don't think we need worry about throwing 2-3 as Dealer only needs 10pts anyway. We need to either go out with a big hand or a good hand with some excellent pegging. 4-5-6-6 is ideal for trapping a 5 for 5pts. So I'll keep 4-5-6-6 and throw 2-3 and lead a 6.

Joined: February 2008 (5592 votes)

Friday 10:37 AM
At 101-111* playing an Offense strategy the dynamic expected averages and Win/Loss %s are:

Offense___Hand__Pegs_Crib____Total___Win %___Loss %

4-5-6-6 is better for expected averages by 3.10pts but more importantly it has by far the best chance of winning. So I'll select 2-3 to discard.

After the K cut I'll lead a 6 and play Offense:

Lead__________Our Pegging Points
fentesk says: I am surprised that the toss of 2-6 is estimated to have ~10% of games go to the next hand; I'll have to go back over dealer scoring probabilities. I am not surprised that the 2-3 discard pretty much guarantees the game ends this hand.

Joined: April 2024 (242 votes)

Friday 12:57 PM
Rolling with the other 100% of commenters today. It doesn’t matter what we throw, dealer almost certainly will score 10 points this hand, and if not, will count first next time around. Our only shot at winning is to either score 21 or 24, or we peg at least 4 points and are able to get there with 16.

Today, we did get the 16 cut, so take any and all pegs offered. The optimist in my says there’s still a chance!
kal79 says: In me*
kal79 says: Correction - we have 14 points, not 16. Strategy does not change though

Joined: January 2019 (1152 votes)

Friday 1:21 PM
Same as everyone else

Joined: December 2023 (60 votes)

Friday 5:12 PM
Going for the Hail Mary.. only shot we've got.

Joined: April 2021 (1306 votes)

Friday 5:47 PM
Well - if there was ever a situation which warranted the statement "Go BIG or Go HOME", this would be the perfect illustration!