November 6, 2024

*** This hand was suggested by scottcrib
0*-0  ?
Total votes: 260
scottcribFive ways to start with at least six total points before the pegging. What's your choice?

Joined: October 2008 (4335 votes)

Wednesday 3:21 AM
5 Card in Crib.

Joined: January 2024 (318 votes)

Wednesday 3:37 AM
So many reasonable choices. I am keeping the 9 for defensive pegging, if necessary. This is the best melder and probably the best pegger. After this poor cut, I will hope the play goes X(10)-5(15-2)-5(20-2)-9(29)-Go-A(30)-A(31-4).
MarktheShark says: Are there 5 ways to start with at least 6 total points? I see: 3-5, 3-6, 5-9, 6-9. What am I missing?
MarktheShark says: OK, 5-6 appears to be the fifth way.
dec says: I believe A-A works also. dec
dec says: help me with that one X-X-2 might not work. dec
scottcrib says: 5-6 only guarantees 4 points; the A-3 is the 5th option
Inushtuk1 says: Thanks Scott. That was driving me crazy.
Inushtuk1 says: Okay dec, now *you* got me scratching my head. How does (A-A) guarantee 6 points?
MarktheShark says: My original thought was that 5-6 guaranteed only 4 points, but I cannot seem to select 3 cards that do not guarantee at least 6 points with a 5-6 discard. A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, X are single cards that immediately work. That leaves a pair of 8's plus a blank joker to not score at least 6?
fentesk says: I agree with Mark, I can't come up with a combination of cards that scores fewer than 6 when discarding 5-6 today. A-A can score 4, for example, A-A-8-K with a 2 cut.

Joined: August 2023 (177 votes)

Wednesday 4:16 AM
I thought about throwing the 5,6 and I should have.

Joined: April 2008 (6656 votes)

Wednesday 4:20 AM
I will go with the eleven count this way for pegging and crib potential. dec

Joined: March 2008 (5989 votes)

Wednesday 5:14 AM
I kept my scant points.
Eolus619 says: Gougie00…Congrats on your ACC last night
Gougie00 says: Thank you. 7 close wins and 2 blowout losses. It you are going to lose, it may as well be by 48 and 45.

Joined: May 2024 (249 votes)

Wednesday 6:32 AM

Joined: February 2022 (301 votes)

Wednesday 6:33 AM
Congratulation to that 1% who kept A-A-3-9. I, on the other hand, joined forces with the 63% who kept A-A-5-9.

Joined: August 2019 (1889 votes)

Wednesday 6:54 AM
3-6 is usually such a weak throw, I'll toss 3-5 looking for Xs in crib and still keeping the AA9 together for pegging.

Joined: December 2020 (534 votes)

Wednesday 7:26 AM
Do I want the five in the hand (with the A-A-9) or in the crib where often the pone will toss 10xs.I sensed it was a close call and kept the 5 in the hand. Not the best move per Liam but the delta is only 0.1 points.
I am firmly in the herd however I came very close to tossing the five.
Sgt Pegger

Joined: July 2017 (518 votes)

Wednesday 7:33 AM

Joined: January 2019 (1108 votes)

Wednesday 7:37 AM
I thought of throwing myself 3 6 but a quick look at the discard tables changed my mind to 3 5

Joined: June 2016 (644 votes)

Wednesday 7:57 AM
lonmower says: I have no idea how this came up (?). Or how to delete it

Joined: June 2016 (644 votes)

Wednesday 7:59 AM
ALL cuts improve. Lead the 5

Joined: March 2020 (1092 votes)

Wednesday 8:00 AM
Am loving being on an island yesterday, and got a lucky cut. 5/6 to mu crib is a favorite toss, esp when the hand is blah
SallyAnn3 says: lately*, not yesterday
Gougie00 says: I have a list of people that I would like to send to that island.

Joined: July 2016 (1699 votes)

Wednesday 8:15 AM
Hey what's so bad about A-A-5-9(3-6). The only cuts that miss are the 7, the 3, and the Deuce. The 7 cut means 6-7 touchers in the Crib. There's some potential there. The 3 puts a pair in the Crib, and the Deuce puts a 5(2-3) in the Crib. Speak of the Devil; we now have 6 in the hand and 2 in the Crib minimum. Defense to the lead; which for me means dumping my 9 on *any* X-Card lead; hoping Pone cannot score a run of three.

Joined: June 2013 (4172 votes)

Wednesday 8:48 AM
I'll try 3-5, but 3-6 looks sensible.

Joined: November 2008 (5390 votes)

Wednesday 11:45 AM
Choosing defense as dealer of hand one, A-A-6-9 because of the defensive escape with that A-A-9 "magic 11" and a crib average of 5.971 with some discard tables showing it slightly more than 6.0. If one considers only potential hand-size the A-5-9-9 wins by a wide margin. Much better to consider all potential points (pegs, hand score, and crib score). Since choosing defense strategy, pegs are deducted and those scored by opponent only. A-A-6-9 gives up fewer pegs. Would pair an Ace if led and score 15-2 on either a 6 or 9 lead. Otherwise, will play off the lead and avoid pegs.
Inushtuk1 says: Hi Ras. If on offense would it be A-A-5-9(3-6)?
Ras2829 says: Hi Inushtuk1: In offense strategy, the 3-6 does emerge at the top though barely. The superior hand size and peg points as a plus (only peg points scored by self) if choosing an offense strategy. Did just run a query on Cribbage Prof and the Prof gives holding the A-5-9-9 an advantage of .04 (hundredths) in an offense strategy. Not the case if optimal or defense.
Ras2829 says: First time have got a triple. Must be seriously trembling!
Inushtuk1 says: Thanks Ras. "First time have got a triple. Must be seriously trembling!" What is that all about?
Ras2829 says: Hi Inustuk1: On my computer screen had three copies of my reply to your inquiry. Now it is down to a single. Like this arrangement better.

Joined: October 2007 (5766 votes)

Wednesday 2:52 PM
I think I'll look at A-A-5-9 (3-6), A-A-3-9 (5-6) and A-A-6-9 (3-5) or perhaps 3-5-6-9 (A-A):

A-A-5-9: 6pts + 4pts (Schell: 3.81) = 10pts

A-A-3-9: 2pts + 6½pts (Schell: 6.63) = 8½pts

A-A-6-9: 4pts + 6pts (Schell: 5.97) = 10pts

3-5-6-9: 2pts + 5¼pts (Schell: 5.38) = 7¼pts


A-A-5-9: Improves with AA, 4444, 555, 666, 8888, 999 + 16xXs = 35 cuts = 35/46 = 76.1% up to 12pts with AA, 555, 999 = 8 cuts.

A-A-3-9: Improves with AA, 2222, 333, 4444, 555, 666, 999 + 16xXs = 38 cuts = 82.6% up to 6/8/12pts with AA, 2222, 333, 555 = 12pts.

A-A-6-9: Improves with AA, 4444, 555, 666, 7777, 8888, 999 = 23 cuts = 23/46 = 50.0% up to 8pts with AA, 555, 666, 8888, 999 = 15 cuts.

3-5-6-9: Improves with AA, 333, 4444, 555, 666, 7777, 8888, 999 + 16xXs = 42 cuts = 42/46 = 91.3% up to 6/7/8pts with 333, 4444, 666, 7777, 999 = 17 cuts.


As First Dealer positional hole is at 8pts so I'll play Defense but try to score the average 16pts or more.


I think the hands with A-A-9, a 3-card magic eleven with a pair of As will peg well.


A-A-5-9 and A-A-6-9 start with 10pts but A-A-5-9 has more cuts for improvement and 8 cuts for 12pts compared to 15 cuts for 8pts with A-A-6-9. So I'll throw the 3-6.

Joined: October 2007 (5766 votes)

Wednesday 2:52 PM
At 0*-0 playing a Defense strategy for the pegging the dynamic expected averages and Win/Loss %s are:

Defense___Hand_Pegs____Crib_Total___W9 %____W10 %

Defense______L9 %____L10 %

A-A-6-9 is best for expected averages by 0.30pt. over A-A-5-9 and is slightly best for Win %s and lowest for Loss %s. So I'll select 3-5 to discard.

After the 2 cut I'll play Defense to the lead.

Joined: February 2008 (5543 votes)

Wednesday 2:53 PM
At 0*-0 playing a Defense strategy for the pegging the dynamic expected averages and Win/Loss %s are:

Defense___Hand_Pegs____Crib_Total___W9 %____W10 %

Defense______L9 %____L10 %

A-A-6-9 is best for expected averages by 0.30pt. over A-A-5-9 and is slightly best for Win %s and lowest for Loss %s. So I'll select 3-5 to discard.

After the 2 cut I'll play Defense to the lead.

Joined: January 2008 (846 votes)

Wednesday 7:16 PM
I remember somewhere that the 56 toss to one's own crib is a good thing to do... So that, and the only cut card that doesn't hit hand or crib is the 8. Lucky cuts seem to keep perpetuating my poor judgement.