January 7, 2025
36% 36% | |||||
27% 27% | |||||
12% 12% | |||||
10% 10% | |||||
8% 8% | |||||
2% 2% | |||||
0% 0% | |||||
0% 0% | |||||
Total votes: 262 |
JQT | NOTE: This is the same arrangement as yesterday, but today we are Three Holes CLOSER; does this change our approach? |
Joined: March 2008 (6023 votes) Tuesday 4:58 AM
Still holding the straight flush. Gougie00 says: Reminds me of a do over when the defense is offside on a Field Goal Attempt. |
Joined: February 2009 (1534 votes) Tuesday 5:49 AM
Flush today needing 14. |
Joined: April 2021 (1291 votes) Tuesday 5:51 AM
Any of the matching 4 ranks or any 5 cut will guarantee us 14 points without having to peg. The 9 cut wins us the game providing dealer is not able to peg 6 points on us. Let's do our best to prevent it. I will start by leading the 9s. |
Joined: March 2020 (1120 votes) Tuesday 7:05 AM
It pays to flush :)
Joined: May 2024 (285 votes) Tuesday 7:16 AM
Flush again today. Nice starter card. I will lead the 9 and peg as defensively as possible. |
Joined: January 2021 (1483 votes) Tuesday 7:25 AM
I'll take those three holes and keep the flush today having seen the point breakdowns yesterday! |
Joined: April 2008 (6704 votes) Tuesday 7:45 AM
Game hole cuts and if we do not we might be able to finagle some pegging. Moot point nine lead and break up the J-Q later. dec |
Joined: November 2014 (3262 votes) Tuesday 8:02 AM
Today it pays to flush! SallyAnn3 says: You are consistent :) Attaboy--or girl? |
Joined: July 2017 (548 votes) Tuesday 8:12 AM
Ok....I'll be the brave one. |
Joined: January 2024 (352 votes) Tuesday 8:13 AM
9-9, 9-Q, flush, add the J-Q as an option (better pegger?). Not fond of straights/flushes when I might need to peg and defend. Lead spade 9 and defend. Eolus619 says: Morning Mark…thx for laying out the discard options..close call as the non flush keeps get cut help from four ranks ( some ranks common to all & some different) & the flush from five ranks ..I THINK my analysis is correct 🤞….Still not sure what is the “best” path MarktheShark says: Hi Eolus619. I should have discarded 9-Q, but the flush does have more cuts (14 v. 11) for 14+ and the likely win (if Dealer does not peg out). The double run has many more cuts for 10+ and for 12+, neither of which will likely be enough against a skilled defending Dealer. MarktheShark says: Correction: > MarktheShark says: Correction: The double run has many more cuts (11 v. 6) for 10-13, which will likely not be enough against a skilled defending Dealer. MarktheShark says: Was blind this morning. Including the remaining five spade cuts (A2347), the flush has just as many cuts (11 v. 11) for 10-13 ... Signing off. |
Joined: October 2008 (4369 votes) Tuesday 9:52 AM
Today we are a bit closer to going out, so the FLUSH producers more winners than any Double Run! 😎 🌷 🍸 JQT says: Synopsis: The FLUSH or (9s Ts Js Qs) has Fourteen Cuts (5555, 99, TTT, JJ, QQQ) that WIN;
(T J J Q) has Twelve Cuts (5555, TTT, JJ, QQQ) that WIN;
(9 T J J) has Eleven Cuts (5555, 99, TTT, JJ) that WIN;
(9 9 T J) has Seven Cuts (99, TTT, JJ) that WIN. |
Joined: August 2009 (2273 votes) Tuesday 1:40 PM
Yes. Text book stuff now. |
Joined: November 2008 (5429 votes) Tuesday 10:34 PM
Since can hold 8 points several ways, will hold the four cards (9-10-J_J) that peg the higher point total since choosing offense. That means playing 9-10-J-J and 9-Q discard. Since the starter card is a nine, pegs are not necessary. Will lead the 9 since know of three of them. Play off in the pegging since peg holes are not needed to chalk up the win. |