January 10, 2025

*** This hand was suggested by Ras2829
0*-0  ?
Total votes: 300

Joined: February 2009 (1590 votes)

Friday 4:05 AM
Obviously this is a horrendous deal to start the game-I’ll throw my 2 best cards in the crib and hope the cut helps somewhere-I have a funny feeling Ras is going to go with the 3368 for pegging purposes but I would be sick if I held that and cut a 2- which voila!!!! happened today

Joined: December 2023 (154 votes)

Friday 4:26 AM
This is such a poor start I don't think there is a right or wrong way to go. This was a nice cut though!

Joined: February 2023 (66 votes)

Friday 4:45 AM
I’m just shocked I didn’t cut the king!

Joined: May 2024 (285 votes)

Friday 5:07 AM
I’m keeping the 33 and hoping the 68 mix well in the crib.
Assman says: Thanks to the spectacular starter card I have 10 points in my hand but I'm not expecting more than 2 in the crib, unless pone threw a 7 in the crib for me...

Joined: April 2008 (6704 votes)

Friday 5:12 AM
Pick the menu group A,B, or C ? . I will choose B. dec
Jazzselke says: Note your vote total!
dec says: devilish laughs! dec

Joined: March 2008 (6023 votes)

Friday 5:17 AM
I might learn something today. I tossed the 6-8 hoping for some help. The 2 starter makes me look smart, and I will take all the help I can get.

Joined: March 2016 (2103 votes)

Friday 5:55 AM
I just think that the pair of threes go together with the ten cards. I can't see tossing T-Q in my crib. No one is giving me a jack!

Joined: January 2024 (351 votes)

Friday 6:16 AM
I strongly prefer to keep pegging cards when dealt a poor hand, but I understand that might not be the correct mentality the first hand of the game as Dealer (where you tend to want to defend). Second choice is the 6-8 for its better hand plus crib melding potential.

Joined: August 2023 (36 votes)

Friday 6:28 AM
Small cards more pegging…I hope!

Joined: June 2020 (1612 votes)

Friday 7:02 AM
I must admit to being a bit befuddled with this Ras puzzle. I would not have time in a game to do this ..but I took the time to evaluate three discards..10/Q..6/8..3/3…only the 3/3 makes Ras’s list of the 30 most productive dealer discards. The 10/Q actually makes his lowest average balking discards for n/der..so you know it will be even lower in average when the dealer sends it to own crib. The 6/8 is in the ten most frequent dealer discards & averages 4.7…🤔….so 3-3-10-Q gets cut help ..hand or crib ..from 11/13 ranks ..it’s pegging value is suspect since it contains 10/Q..but I talked myself in to holding that keep with excellent cut help and the potential for an average crib. Ready to learn…

Eolus619 says: and I fully realize that anticipating what n/der might discard is way down the list of reasons why dealer should make certain discards ..but these frequent n/der discards help my 6/8.. K-9..A-Q..A-K..Q-7..Q-8…2-9..A-3..K-6..K-7

Joined: March 2009 (2769 votes)

Friday 7:04 AM
Triple-gapper and pair to the crib. Hopefully better hands to come.
scottcrib says: The 'ol triple-gapper. Reminds me of my Trapper-Keeper from early school days. 😊

Joined: July 2016 (1726 votes)

Friday 7:10 AM
When in doubt keep two small cards and two high cards, and the mid-cards in the Crib.

Joined: May 2024 (285 votes)

Friday 7:37 AM

Joined: November 2014 (3262 votes)

Friday 7:48 AM
I'm in the toss-the-middle-cards crowd today. I don't want to toss T-Q, as my opponent is less likely to give me a J. I am not a fan of pairs to my crib (other than 5-5) so I'd rather keep the 3-3.

Joined: April 2021 (1291 votes)

Friday 7:52 AM
Briefly considered discarding the (3 3) as one of the best pairs to throw into your own crib, but it leaves a too unpalatable "0" gapped hand with no cards of high pegging value. So I had to go with the (6 8). Am I glad I did after the deuce cut, or did I miss a 16-pt crib?
MiketheExpert says: I think I'll take 10 pts in the hand rather than 0 and take my chances this way....
Sgt Pegger

Joined: July 2017 (548 votes)

Friday 8:26 AM
Today I got stuck by the cut! Tomorrow I might have even looked smart, but not today....definitely not today.

Joined: March 2020 (1119 votes)

Friday 8:37 AM
Just yuck!

Joined: October 2008 (4369 votes)

Friday 9:06 AM
After Toss (6 8), I think we have Optimized the Pegging as well as reached a balance between having a good chance for growth in our Hand as well as a chance to grow our Crib. 🌉
Eolus619 says: John....4343 votes ....go by a lottery ticket..
Eolus619 says: or buy would work too!!

Joined: June 2013 (4200 votes)

Friday 10:27 AM
As has been said, we're unlikely to receive a Jack or a 5 from our opponent, so T-Q may be a little lonely in the crib.

Joined: January 2019 (1132 votes)

Friday 1:07 PM
6 8 to my crib in hope of a pair of 7s. Hopefully it will give a few points to add to those in my hand with that very nice turn up.

Joined: November 2008 (5429 votes)

Friday 8:57 PM
Choosing defense as dealer of first hand in game, the pegging cards are NOT the best approach with these six cards. The 10-Q to own crib is a real "dog" of a discard averaging a mere 3.166. That puts that choice in the tank. The 3-3 to crib has the highest potential value of any two cards among these six. That gets knocked completely out of the water as the remaining four cards (6-8-10-Q) barely break a two-point average in hand score. That leaves the 6-8 So holding 3-3-10-Q has such superior numbers for hand+crib that there is no contest this day. Just appears so! Since choosing defense, pegs scored by opponent are a minus and 6-8, 3-3, and 10-Q all lost slightly more than 2.0 pegs. So, pegging value is not a consideration with these cards. Play off the lead although would pair a trey if led.
Annabella says: So nice to see you back, thank you for your input.