February 2, 2025
31% 31% | |||||
31% 31% | |||||
6% 6% | |||||
6% 6% | |||||
5% 5% | |||||
4% 4% | |||||
4% 4% | |||||
3% 3% | |||||
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Total votes: 258 |
fentesk | Offense? Defense? Something else? |
Joined: October 2008 (4403 votes) Sunday 3:45 AM
No word on Punxsutawney Phil up at Gobbler's Knob, the poor, anesthetized groundhog they poke and prod every year on this day at about sunrise (if you will) in some bizarre ritual. 🦔 🌄
We are Pone, leading by a paltry Four Holes, and we are Sixteen Points away from the Second Street Par Hole 44. But the Dealer is behind us, so we could probably risk Toss (8 8) this early in the game. And yet, if that were to backfire, then we'd likely be playing Catch-up Cribbage for the remainder of the game. 🏃🏻♂️ 🚶🏻♂️ Let's 'hedge' and Toss (8 J) today, because: "What are the odds that we'll cut an Ace or a 9 Card?" (It's just over 17%, as it turns out.) 🎲 🎲 After the Ace of Spades Cut, we still have just those teeth-gnashing Two Points, and those who threw those Crazy Eights have Nine Points. Life just isn't fair, it seems; but it's a good thing we learned this before we reached adulthood. Let's lead a 4 Card from our Provocative Pear. 🤬 🍐 |
Joined: March 2016 (2138 votes) Sunday 4:06 AM
I kept looking at this hand and there are many cuts that improve holding 445J. On the negative side 88 according to Ras is worth 7.91 points in the n/d's crib. aathough Colvert and Liam only show a different of about 2 points between 88 and 8J in n/d's crib, I follow Ras's statistics. Does holding this hand warrant tossing these dangerous cards? Rosemarie44 says: Five degrees in Maine this morning. Eolus619 says: RM..so……from previous personal experience …I suggest…no one should be kissing the pump handle this AM jmudge says: @Eolus haha nothing like the voice of experience! |
Joined: February 2009 (1612 votes) Sunday 4:27 AM
No need for all out offense here-sacrifice the 2 points for the safer toss and still keep the open ended 445 |
Joined: April 2008 (6741 votes) Sunday 4:29 AM
Some places I would do the eights not here. Its unfortunate we do not eight here but the eights on the other side could look pretty bad now. dec |
Joined: March 2008 (6057 votes) Sunday 5:19 AM
I kept the 445 together hoping for a 3 or 6. I tossed 8J to the dealer to prevent an explosion in the crib. Only an A or 9 doesnt help and the joke is on me today.
-1 in Northern Massachusetts. Brr-r. |
Joined: July 2017 (582 votes) Sunday 5:21 AM
I considered the 4,4,5,8 but ultimately went with this instead. I thought ....eh, why not keep a little of everything? 4 will play the Groundhog. |
Joined: June 2020 (1648 votes) Sunday 6:10 AM
Discards of 4-8 and 8-J are both on Ras’s list of lowest n/der discards ..I am on discard defense here …With hold 4-4-5-8 I keep the possible double run intact and only an A & 9 are loser cuts …right on cue the Cribbage Fairy abandons me.
https://www.cribbage.org/NewSite/tips/rasmussen7.asp Rosemarie44 says: Bruce...I checked out this article written by Ras. Thanks as I have lost my cribbage notes to fall back on. Eolus619 says: RM...this one, imo, is certainly worth having as a reference Eolus619 says: a BTW..remember if these 46 discards are the lowest crib average cross the board..they have an even lower average when discarded by dealer..so the list does double duty Inushtuk1 says: Hi Bruce and Rosemarie. We should also take a gander at Ras's Tip Number 1, which shows the great discrepancy between the (8-8) over the board, and on our side of the board. Eolus619 says: well said Mike..here is the link
https://www.cribbage.org/NewSite/tips/rasmussen1.asp |
Joined: March 2009 (2789 votes) Sunday 6:18 AM
Tough score, at the least want a chance for a good hand |
Joined: January 2024 (386 votes) Sunday 8:01 AM
If this is the third deal, we are positionally behind. But pitching the dangerous 8's to Dealer's crib seems foolish for the small advantage our keep might give us. |
Joined: May 2024 (322 votes) Sunday 12:13 PM
I like the hedge here. What’re the odds? |
Joined: June 2013 (4234 votes) Sunday 1:33 PM
J8 to delay, hopefully some better cards next time. |
Andy (muesli64)
Joined: August 2009 (2302 votes) Sunday 2:11 PM
8-J safely - much preferred. |
Joined: February 2008 (5597 votes) Sunday 2:26 PM
At 28-24* playing an Offense strategy for the pegging the dynamic expected averages and Win/Loss %s are:
_______________Our Offense___Hand_Pegs_Crib____Total___W7 %____W8 % 4-4-5-8____5.48+1.80+(-4.36)=2.92____24.4____28.6 4-4-5-J____7.54+1.57+(-6.20)=2.91____29.5____29.2 Offense______L7 %____L8 % 4-4-5-8_______30.7____47.1 4-4-5-J_______36.3____48.2 4-4-5-8 is better for expected averages by the narrowest 0.01pt. over 4-4-5-J. However, 4-4-5-J is considerably better while 4-4-5-8 is very much lower for Loss %s. As I'm recommending an Offense strategy for the pegging I'll select an 8-J to discard. After the A cut I'll lead the 8 and play Offense: Lead___________Our Pegging Points 8____________________2.18 4____________________1.79 5____________________1.38 |
Joined: August 2023 (56 votes) Sunday 2:52 PM
Risking it. Keeping 4 points with possible more with cut and hope it all doesn’t blow up n the crib! |
Joined: July 2016 (1744 votes) Sunday 2:58 PM
Leading the 8d. Hoping to fake the flush with the 4d next hand. Might get a triple or a run. |
Joined: November 2014 (3294 votes) Sunday 3:34 PM
Late to the game, but didn't want to toss 8-8 just to keep 4 points. I wanted the 4-4-5 combo to remain together... |
Joined: November 2008 (5468 votes) Sunday 3:49 PM
Looking at the pegs, looking at the six cards in front of me need wanting to gain a positional advantage suggests holding 4[4-5-J. With that perfect cut of a 6 to match the suit of the Jack, would have 15 points. Oh, there are so many cards which only give n/d 2-4 points (A/5/8/9/10, J/Q/K). Still want to move down the board as much a possible after seeing that lousy starter card. Dealer has huge advantage; so will lead the 8 and take nay pegs offered. Have absolutely nothing to defend here. Slowing the dealer was not a consideration for me. HalscribCLX analysis is right on! |